Category: Matching

  • Matching strategies in accounts payables

    Matching strategies in accounts payables

    Find out interesting insights with John Silverstein, CEO, Liv Data Moderated by Emily, Digital Transformation Consultant at Hyperbots. Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Emily: Alright. Hello, everyone! This is Emily, and I am a digital transformation consultant at Hyperbots. Today we are joined by John Silverstein, and we’ll be…

  • Types of matching strategies for invoices/POs and GRNs

    Types of matching strategies for invoices/POs and GRNs

    Find out interesting insights with Polina McLaughlin, CFO & Strategic Advisor Moderated by Kate. Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Kate: Hello, everyone. My name is Kate. I’m a financial technology advisor here at Hyperbots. Today we have Polina McLaughlin with us. Good morning, Polina. How are you doing? Polina…

  • Optimizing vendor invoice processing: a guide to tailored matching policies

    Optimizing vendor invoice processing: a guide to tailored matching policies

    This blog outlines best practices in matching policies for vendor invoice processing, considering various factors like vendor characteristics, purchase value, and GL account specifics. 1. Understanding Matching Policies Matching policies are controls put in place to ensure that payments made to vendors are accurate, authorized, and for received goods or services. The most common types…