Tag: Challenges in Tax Line Item Categorization

  • Challenges with accurately categorizing line items for tax purposes

    Challenges with accurately categorizing line items for tax purposes

    Find out interesting insights with Dave Sackett, VP of finance at Persimmon Technologies Moderated by Emily, Digital Transformation Consultant at Hyperbots Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Emily: Hey, everyone, this is Emily, and I’m a digital transformation consultant with Hyperbots. Really pleased to have Dave Sackett on the call…

  • Sales and use tax relationship with origins and destination locations

    Sales and use tax relationship with origins and destination locations

    Find out interesting insights with Claudia Mejia, Managing Director,Ikigai Edge Moderated by Emily, Digital Transformation Consultant at Hyperbots Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Emily: Hi, everyone. This is Emily and I’m a digital transformation consultant with Hyperbots. Today we are speaking with Claudia Mejia about the complexities of sales…

  • Alabama sales and use tax compliance

    Alabama sales and use tax compliance

    Find out interesting insights with Shaun Walker, SOC Compliance Manager , Norfolk Southern Moderated by Sherry, Financial Technology Consultant at Hyperbots Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Sherry: Hello, and welcome to all our viewers on CFO Insights. I am Sherry, a financial technology consultant at Hyperbots, and I’m very…