Tag: Purchase Orders (PO)

  • Why organizations skip POs and how to fix the problem

    Why organizations skip POs and how to fix the problem

    Find out interesting insights with Jon Naseath , CFO & Strategic advisor Moderated by Emily, Digital Transformation Consultant at Hyperbots Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Emily: Hello, everyone! This is Emily, and I’m a digital transformation consultant at Hyperbots. I am very pleased to have Jon on the call…

  • Best practices for handling multi-currency transactions

    Best practices for handling multi-currency transactions

    Find out interesting insights with Anthony Peltier, CEO c2cfinance Moderated by Emily, Digital Transformation Consultant at Hyperbots Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Emily: Hey, everyone, this is Emily, and I am a digital transformation consultant at Hyperbots. I’m very pleased to have Anthony on the call with me. Anthony…

  • Types of matching strategies for invoices/POs and GRNs

    Types of matching strategies for invoices/POs and GRNs

    Find out interesting insights with Polina McLaughlin, CFO & Strategic Advisor Moderated by Kate. Don’t want to watch a video? Read the interview transcript below. Kate: Hello, everyone. My name is Kate. I’m a financial technology advisor here at Hyperbots. Today we have Polina McLaughlin with us. Good morning, Polina. How are you doing? Polina…